Category Archives: Guides
JS:Downloader-ZY removal process
JS:Downloader-ZY relates to a bunch of issues on your PC, among which Internet related events prevail. The latter, in their turn, include, but are not limited to, extended time of loading page, stealing private data such as account names followed by an attempt to access those (if unsuccessful, you may receive a message that somebody tried to access your account; if the rascals succeed in their attempt of the crack, your private data would definitely be exposed and you will need to resort to relevant account blocking and access regaining steps).
Remove W64.Viknok.B!inf trojan
The multitude of risks posed by the W64.Viknok.B!inf computer Trojan involves several critical aspects of the affected user’s cybersecurity, the privacy perils being predominant. First off, any sensitive documents stored on the victim’s hard drive are subject to quite probable theft as long as this pest is running on the PC. Through its proven capability of communicating directly with its authors’ command and control server, this infection can transmit copies of the harvested private files, which means identity theft at its worst. It’s essential to remark this is a background process that takes place behind the scenes so that the user gets barely any chance to notice and prevent it.
Remove Adware Generic_r.KF infection
Adware Generic_r.KF stands for a sample of unwanted code referring to a family of malicious apps whose objective is delivering advertisements in one’s web browser and implementing the schemes for traffic generation to dubious online resources. The ‘KF’ component of the malware signature structure denotes a specific piece of adware, while the corresponding massive family is flagged as ‘Adware Generic_r’, where the final part may vary depending on the particular pest type.
Remove Minerd.exe process to prevent resource overuse
Operating system overwhelmed by a single process called Minerd.exe? PC growing insufferably slow due to this activity? Learn what this executable is, how it may be abused by cyber crooks, and how to get rid of it for the sake of normal computer usage experience.
How to remove Nengine.dll error popup
This guide is meant to shed light on the issue of nengine.dll error popping up after Windows startup and at random as the computer is working. You will learn the reasons for this unwanted activity, the additional problems that might occur along the way if the bug is left unattended, and the effective fix applicable for this scenario.