Category Archives: News

Remove Speed Dial search ( browser virus

The present-day computer infections are way more intricate, insidious and perhaps even delicate than the stereotypical association with hardware crashes, PC access lockout or hacker-initiated remote access. How about a sample of malicious software that only affects the Internet side of one’s cyber life? That’s precisely what Speed Dial Search tends to do.

Remove search engine virus is but another website that rather creates advertisement revenue for its developers and maintainers than satisfy any user needs.
The page is known as a gateway to many other resources. That is, as you open the above url, you may be presented with a variety of clickable links to other websites and with local search service.

Remove ArabyOnline browser hijacker

Apparently, customizability is not a high-level priority to the makers of the ArabyOnline ( browser helper object, to say the least. It’s also obvious that the downsides of this computer entity are not restricted to the user’s inability of changing the respective web page’s language from Arabic to any other – people end up on the associated landing page without actually desiring to, due to the pranks of an adware infection inside the PC.

Remove popup virus

Gaining unauthorized partial control of web browsers has long been a technique thriving in the cybercrime environment. Its benefits for the Internet villains are multifaceted: while remaining hard to identify, they arrange loads of online traffic to the websites that either encompass paid ads or straightforwardly promote some featured applications. The domain of denotes one of such aggressive scamming instruments. hijacker removal

Notwithstanding the absence of user approval, the unwanted program generally known as imposes its own web browser settings having intruded on a computer system.

Get rid of Websteroids ads

Websteroids tend to come along some free software. Their website claims they  make a tool enabling you to launch a game of Asteroids to crash any website and show the web who  is the boss. However, it rather brings you intrusive ads.

Remove TBVerifier.dll error popping up at Windows launch

TBVerifier.dll denotes a dynamic link library entry directly associated with a nasty adware program known as the Conduit Search, or Search Protect by Conduit. The latter infection primarily hits the web browsers installed on a target machine in that the custom settings (homepage as well as preferred search engine values) get modified, pointing to a completely different URL crammed up with sponsored links; what is more, user authorization as such is disregarded in this workflow.

Remove Java Update virus denotes a domain name being currently used for distributing malicious software disguised as a Java update. Those infected with this hijacker encounter repeating browser redirects from regular web pages, or experience the modification of user-defined settings such as the homepage.

Remove popup virus is cross-browser adware programmed to display tricky software install or update recommendations on the infected PC. Capable of affecting Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox, this virus triggers an obscure script every time the user opens a new tab or browser window. This script causes extra tabs to open or pop-under windows to appear, telling the user that a new critical install is nearly obligatory for the normal flow of certain processes relating to multimedia, web browsing or operating system security. An example of such pop-up is shown below; it pushes the so-called “Extreme Flash Player” in the intrusive manner outlined above.

Remove RRsavings ads completely

“Ads by Rr savings” have multiple trace of their presence on an affected PC, among which there are entries into list of programs installed and various shortcuts, as well as extensions into any browser(s) installed on a computer.